Welcome to Peter Pan Preschool
Apple Accredited & Gold Seal Program
We know that choosing a school for your family is one of the most important decisions you will make. We want to assure you that at Peter Pan, your child will be cared for in a safe, warm, and nurturing place of discovery that enables children to learn and grow through fun, enriching, and developmentally appropriate activities.
Peter Pan Preschool, a family-owned and operated school, was established in 1978 and operates with families in mind. We seek to form a partnership with you to foster the learning and healthy development of your child. Imagine if every child experienced healthy relationships, felt safe at school, and treated others with love and respect. Envision a connected "School Family" that models and teaches appropriate emotional expressions and problem-solving. Peter Pan practices "Conscious Discipline" based on brain research.
Family involvement, family satisfaction, and shared decision-making about your child's experiences are essential to our program. Our aim is to make our center an active community that fosters friendships and creates a supportive network between families, staff, and children.
Enrolling in a new preschool is a big change for your child... and for you. We recognize that adjustment periods will vary depending on the age of your child and prior experiences in a childcare setting. We also understand the pace of modern life. Our teachers and administrators are very experienced in welcoming and orientating new families and will work with you to make the process as smooth as possible.
Please come and tour our beautiful campus and meet our special teachers. For more information, please call (561) 622-3628. The path to a lifelong love of learning begins at Peter Pan Preschool.
Kimberly M. Hill, Director

We Believe each child is a unique individual embarking on a unique developmental journey. At Peter Pan, we have the wonderful privilege of guiding young children along their discovery path of learning. We are sensitive to their emotional, social, intellectual, and physical needs. We provide developmentally appropriate programs that focus on the process of learning and help children enjoy meaningful and successful experiences.
We Believe in providing a physical environment that is safe and conducive to learning. We implement strict safety and sanitation procedures. Classrooms are "age appropriate" and strategically arranged to offer challenging play and enriched learning choices. "Discovery Centers" allow children the opportunity to explore, experience, and, most importantly, succeed in their development.
We Believe the strength of our program is the dedication of our teaching staff. We support our teachers with ongoing training, resources, and freedom to create special learning experiences for the children. Our teachers create a caring and nurturing atmosphere that fosters each child's development and positive self-image.
We Believe parents are the most significant adults in a child's life. We strive to create a "School Family" that encourages mutual respect between parents and teachers and a partnership that benefits our precious children. We encourage daily communication and sharing of ideas and concerns: an interpersonal relationship of caregiver, parent, and program that is supportive to parents, nurturing to children, and engaging for teachers.
Conscious Discipline
CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE is a comprehensive classroom management program based on brain research to understand children’s behaviors, social skills, and emotions. Peter Pan Preschool utilizes conflict resolution, good decision-making tools, character development, and self-control techniques. Several components comprise the conscious discipline model.
- COMPOSURE involves self-control and a child’s ability to experience a range of feelings using appropriate words and actions. We help children compose themselves by teaching them relaxation techniques such as S.T.A.R. (Smile, Take a deep breath And Relax), Draining, Ballooning, and Stretching Exercises. In addition, each classroom has a special designated Safe Place where one child at a time can retreat to compose him/herself before returning to class activities and friend.
- ATTACHMENT is the building of strong, mutual, and trusting school/class families. A POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP between teachers, children, and parents is crucial. Friend and family Books are a part of each classroom. We also sing special Family Ritual Songs that emphasize our school family. Songs are sung to “greet” children, “welcome” them back to school, help them feel “safe,” and be a part of our “school family,” and “wish them well” when they’re absent.
- ENCOURAGEMENT We encourage instead of praise because praise relies on value judgments too often, which teaches children that “good” equals “pleasing others” and “bad” equals “displeasing others.” Instead, we encourage their contributions and the sharing of their gifts or talents with others. At Peter Pan, we build self-worth and value within each individual. Kindness Trees reinforce and visually display acts of kindness in each class family, demonstrating to the children “what being kind is….”
- ASSERTIVENESS is the way words are used by the children to express needs and emotions instead of hands. We need to model good choices for our children and define appropriate behavior both with language and actions. Conflict Resolution empowers children to respond to their emotions and actions. For example, a teacher may say: “I have the confidence that you will figure out another way of handling this.” “You’ll figure out a way to be helpful.” “I know inside you do not like to be hurtful.” “We all make mistakes. What could you do now that would be helpful?”
In summary, we use consistency in our attitudes, expectations, and actions. Parent cooperation is essential. Whenever there is a minor or significant behavior issue, the staff will discuss it with the parent or family member. This is done on a daily basis; therefore, few significant problems arise. Continual aggressive or disruptive behavior negatively impacts the school family and will not be tolerated. Our commitment is to provide a quality group learning environment for every child.